BPS - Portrait of a Graduate

The BPS Portrait of a Graduate is intended to inspire, motivate, and guide the work of students, teachers, schools, and the district as we prepare all students to be capable, ethical, healthy, responsible, and thoughtful citizens.

 portrait of a graduate

A Bolton Public Schools graduate applies content knowledge, demonstrates civic engagement, and values lifelong learning and innovation.

Content Mastery

 knowledge Knowledgeable - Possessing and exhibiting knowledge and skills to succeed as a learner, worker, and citizen.

Civic Engagement

communicator  Communicator - Listening and articulating effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
 collaborator Collaborator - Working well with others while being willing to understand and offer alternate points of view.
 citizen Citizen - Demonstrating civic responsibility, participating in the democratic process, impacting the community responsibly, embracing diversity with empathy and respect, making safe, legal, and ethical choices.

Lifelong Learning and Innovation

 self directed

Self-Directed - Acting independently with integrity while demonstrating personal accountability and making a positive contribution. 

 critical thinker Critical Thinker - Analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, synthesizing information, and applying creative thought to raise vital questions, form arguments, solve problems, or reach solutions.
 creative practical Creative and Practical Problem Solver - Identifying, defining, and solving authentic problems and addressing challenges with creative thinking and innovation. 
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